Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

25th September 2019

LaserFiche Laserfiche Issue Detected

An issue was detected with this service. ITS staff has been notified and are investigating.

LaserFiche Laserfiche Issue Detected

An issue was detected with this service. ITS staff has been notified and are investigating.

LaserFiche Forms Laserfiche Forms Issue Detected

An issue was detected with this service. ITS staff has been notified and are investigating.

20th September 2019


MyOC will be down for a few minutes for emergency maintenance.

2nd September 2019

Printing Printing Issue Detected

An issue was detected with this service. ITS staff has been notified and are investigating.

1st August 2019

Blackboard Blackboard Issue Detected

An issue was detected with this service. ITS staff has been notified and are investigating.

Blackboard Blackboard Issue Detected

An issue was detected with this service. ITS staff has been notified and are investigating.

Blackboard BB is not loading

BlackBoard is not operational. We are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it.

23rd April 2019

MyOC MyOC not Loading

MyOC loads with an error.