Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

24th April 2018

Colleague UI Colleague Slow and Unresponsive
7 years ago

Colleague UI is slow and unresponsive. Other services relying on Colleague are also experiencing issues.

20th April 2018

Colleague UI Colleague UI
7 years ago

Colleague UI gets stuck on loading

19th April 2018

Colleague UI Colleague Slow
7 years ago

Colleague experienced slowness issues throughout the day. We expect that the issues were tied to increased usage due to classroom evaluations.

11th April 2018

Printing Campus Printing Issue
7 years ago

We are investigating a campus-wide printing issue. Print jobs are not being accepted by some print queues.

6th April 2018

Printing Printer Issues Releasing Jobs
7 years ago

We have identified a couple of printers that are having issues releasing print jobs. The jobs sit in the queue and are not sent to the printer. We will be restarting Uniflow shortly to see if it will resolve the issue.